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Low Scoring on the HES Scale

The ordinance requiring homes in Portland to get a Home Energy Score (HES) assessment before being listed for sale is just around the corner. If you’re planning to sell your home in 2018, you’re probably wondering what your Home Energy Score will be. Will your home get a 7 which represents high energy efficiency, making it more attractive to prospective buyers? Or will your home get a 2, signaling to buyers that it is not very energy efficient? If you’re worried about your home scoring low on the HES scale, here is what you need to know about energy score assessments and improving your HES score.

What’s In a Home Energy Score Report?

The purpose of the City of Portland Home Energy Score report is to provide more information to prospective buyers about home energy efficiency. In addition to a Home Energy Score, the HES report lists energy efficiency upgrades which would improve the home’s efficiency. It also estimates what the home’s new Home Energy Score would be after the listed improvements are made. As a home seller, you are not obligated to carry out any of the improvements listed on your HES report; however, doing so could make your home much more attractive to home buyers.

A Few Improvements Will Go a Long Way

Some Portland home sellers are worried that if their home gets a low Home Energy Score, it will not fare well on the housing market. The important thing to remember here is that your Home Energy Score report can be a valuable tool in helping you prepare your home for sale. By following the listed recommendations on your HES report, you can improve your score significantly, making your home much more attractive to buyers. Improving your home before listing doesn’t have to break the bank, either. HES reports often recommend relatively inexpensive improvements such as attic insulation and duct sealing first. Just a few improvements can go a long way in improving your home’s energy efficiency.

Improve Your Score with Westside Drywall

If you’re planning to put your Portland home on the market in 2018, we can help you prepare your home for sale. In addition to conducting Home Energy Score assessments and home inspections, we offer a variety of weatherization and retrofit services that will make your home more energy efficient. That means that after we assess your home, we can also carry out those improvements that will make your home more attractive to prospective buyers. We’re your partner in helping you improve your Home Energy Score.

Need a certified City of Portland Home Energy Score assessor? Call 503-620-7036 or contact us at to sign up for our home assessment services today.